Foreningen Trankebar


Vi Ragonato, Naike af Guds nåde, konge af Tanjore og alle
omliggende lande, bekende og gøre vitterligt for os og vore efterkommere,
ragnater og konger af Tanjore og alle andre, hvorledes den durchlautige fyrste
og herre, vor elskelige ven og bundsvandte Christian d. IV af guds nåde konge
til Danmark og Norge nådig har afsendt til disse indiske lande sin ambassadør,
den ædle og agtbare herre Ove Gedde til Tommerup, hvilken nu lykkelig er
ankommen hertil og på hans majestæts vegne har gjort begæring om en bestandig
fred og forbund mellem hans majestæt af Danmark og os, hvilket kan være til
fordel for os begge og for vores undersåtter og lande, og da vi have bifaldet
sådant venligt og liberalt tilbud, så have vi med godt overlæg og med god eftertanke
contraheret og sluttet underskrevne punkter med ham, ligesom vi hermed   contrahere og slutte.

1.Skal vi altid og evig iagttage og vedligeholde en
uigenkaldelig fred og forbund med hans kærlighed, Kongen af Danmark og med hans
undersåtter og lande.

2.Må Kongen af
Danmarks undersåtter eller kompagniet altid handle i alle vore lande, uden told
eller anden slags bebyrdelse, ligeså frit og sikkert som i kongen af Danmarks

3.Skal vi altid
forsvare og begunstige kongen af Danmarks undersåtter i deres tro, kaldet den
augburgske religion, ligeså frit og sikkert som i kongen af Danmarks lande.

4.Skal vi altid
forsvare de danske i alle vore lande imod al fjendtlighed og alle
fjendtligsindede, ligesom og være dem behjælpelige i deres anliggender efter
deres forlangende.

5.Må de danske ikke
alene handle med alle vore vasaller og undersåtter, men også med fremmede, som
komme til vore lande.

6.Vore undersåtter
skal aldrig falskelig forandre eller uretmæssig sælge deres købmandsgods til
kongen af Danmarks undersåtter.

7.Vi skal aldrig
tillade, at nogen anden fra Europa eller andre indere handler eller forrette
noget købmandsskab eller trafik i nogen af vore lande, uden alene de danske og
portugiserne på Negapatnam.

8.Må de danske altid
handle i alle vore lande med kongen af Danmarks penge, kaldet danske
sølv-kroner, som og med ceylonske sølv-lariner, og skal hver krone gælde 14-15
guld fanoer efter dens pris.

9.De som handle med
falsk mønt, skal straffes på livet, og tillige have deres gods og ejendomme
forbrudt, de danske til kongen af Danmark, og vore undersåtter til Os.

10.Må kongen af
Danmark lade udøve justits i vort land over hans undersåtter, som forser sig,
efter sagens beskaffenhed, ligesom vi selv over vore undersåtter.

11.Skal indbyggerne i
Trankebar og indbyggerne i Negapatnam altid være venner i vort land alene.

12.I fald siampaner
eller andre skibe tilhørende kongen af Danmark og hans undersåtter skal forgå i
vore lande eller havne, skulle sådanne sønderslagne skibe tillige med alt
indehavende gods ikke tilhøre nogen anden, end alene kongen af Danmark og hans

13.Landsbyen kaldet
Trankebar skal være og forblive for kongen af Danmark i disse to følgende år;
men efter den tid, skal vi oppebære afgiften og andre indkomster af siampaner
og af fremmede folk, som kommer til samme by for at sælge eller forhandle sig
til gods, om vi ellers ikke på anden måde kunne contrahere.

14.Må kongen af
Danmark og hans undersåtter eller kompagniet også bygge fæstninger på samme
sted, efter deres godtbefindende, og skal vi være dem behjælpelig med så megen
folk og sten som de måtte behøve for at gøre sådan.

15.Skal de danske
aldrig (efter at disse to år er forløbne) føre noget gods eller købmandsskab i
deres skibe for andre folk, at vi ikke skal besviges i henseende til intraderne
samme sted.

Denne ovenskrevne
kontrakt lover vi Raganado Naik for os og vore efterfølgere Ragonater, konger
af Tanjore, på vort kongelige navn, at iagttage og fuldbyrde vel og troligen
uden nogen mangel i alle dens punkter og dele; og har vi derfor til en
bestandig erindrign bekræftet samme med vor kongelige hånd og segl, samt givet
underskrevne ambassadør vore hænder.

Skrevet i vor
kongelige stad Tanjore på den 19. dag i november måned år 1620

Lettere omarbejdet
gengivelse af traktaten fra De Dansk-ostindiske koloniers historie, bilag 1,
København, 1907



We Raqanato Naike, by Gods grace King of Tanjour and all the surrounding territories, hereby announce and make known to Ourself, and to our succeeding Raqnats and Kings of Tanjour, and to all others, how His Most Screne Highness, Prince and Majesty, our beloved friend and ally, Christian IV, by Gods grace King of Denmark and Norway, etc., has gracefully despatched his ambassador, the noble and esteemed gentleman Ove Gjedde of Tommerup, to these Indian territories, and the said Gjedde has arrived safely here, and on behalf of His Majesty has advanced a request for lasting peace and a lasting alliance between His Majesty the King of Denmark and Ourself, which mentioned peace and alliance can be of advantage of both of us and to our subjects and territories, and so we have approved of this kind and liberal offer, we have consequently and after due deliberation and reflection contracted and concluded and signed the following
articles with him, and moreover we hereby contract and conclude:

1   We shall always and in al eternity observe and maintain irrevocable peace and in irrevocable alliance with His Majesty the King of Denmark and with his subjects and territories.

2   The subjects or the companies of the King of Denmark shall always be permitted to carry out trade in all our territories without any form of customs duties or any other financial burdens, as freely and as safely as in the territories of the King of Denmark.

3   We are committed always to defend and favour the subjects of the King of Denmark in the practice of their faith, called the Augsburg Confession, and we shall never tolerate that they be oppressed because of their faith.

4   We are committed always to defend the Danes throughout all our territories against hostility of any kind and against all hostile people, and we must, moreover, assist them in their affairs in accordance with their demands.

5   The Danes may deal not only with all our vassals and subjects, but also with all foreigners who enter our territories.

6   Our subjects shad never be allowed fraudulently to alter or unlawfully to sell their merchandise to the subjects of the King of Denmark.

7   We shall never permit other Europeans or other Indians to trade or carry out any dealings or  other activities in any of our territories with the sole exception of the Danes and the Portuguese in Nagapatnam.

8   In the course of their trade throughout our territories, the Danes shall always be permitted to use the money of the King of Denmark, which money is called Danish silver crowns, and moreover Singhalese silver larins, and the value of each crown shall be 14 or 15 gold fanoes, depending on its price.

9   Those who deal in counterfeit coins shall forfeit their lives, and they shall moreover forfeit their property, the property of the Danes shall go to the King of Denmark and the property of our subjects shall go to Ourself.

10   The King of Denmark shall, in our territory, exercise justice over those of his subjects who do wrong and the nature of the justice shall be according to the nature of the case, just as we shall exercise justice over our own subjects.

11   In our country the inhabitants of Trankebar and those of Nagapatnam shall always be solely friends.

12   In case sampans or other ships belonging to the King of Denmark or his subjects shall be wrecked in our territories or harbours, then such shattered ships together with all merchandise therein shall belong to no other than solely the King of Denmark and to his subjects.

13   The village called Tranquebarry shall be and remain the property of the King of Denmark for the next two years, but after the said two years we shall collect duties and other incomes imposed on foreign sampans and on strangers who come to the said village with the purpose of selling or purchasing merchandise, unless we contract otherwise.

14   The King of Denmark and his subjects or companies shall also be permitted to build fortresses in the said Tranquebarry in accordance with their wishes, and we shall supply them with as much Lime and stone as they require for the purpose.

15  After the said two years have elapsed, the Danes shall never freight goods or merchandise in their ships for other people, in order that we may not be defrauded of duties on merchandise being landed in Tranquebarry.

We, Ragonata Naike, promise on our behalf and on the be hail of our successors, Rugonats, Kings of Tanjour, and on the strength of our royal name, truly and well to observe and to fulfil the contract in all its parts and articles without any shortcomings and reservations, and to prove that we shall observe it in all eternity we have confirmed the same with our royal hand and seal, and given our hand to the said 


Signed in our royal city Tanjour on the 19th day of November in the year 1620.

To article 7 should be added the request that we shall never permit the Dutch, the English, and the French to trade or to indulge in any form of business or carry out any form of activity in any of our territories.

To article 11 should be added that the Danes and the Portuguese shall always be friends in our territories and on our coasts, and that they shall never inflict harm or war on each other.

To article 14 should be added that the subjects or companies of the King of Denmark shall be permitted to build a fortress in the said Tranquebarry in order to safeguard the goods and merchandise they have in the said town, to the building of which fortress we shall not supply lime and stone, but that the purchase of lime and stone and shall be at their own expense.

Naike's Signature.